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"Of all the talks I’ve been to yours has really left a profound imprint in my thoughts. You have inspired and influenced me with your own life shifting experiences and I thank you for sharing. You are one incredible organic presenter and I urge you to do more of it!"

Laura O’ Connoll
Event Organiser, Cork Entrepreneurs Network, Ireland

"Since I started working with Declan my business has grown exponentially. I am learning, fast, about my own inner potential and now have the skill set to approach every curve ball with excitement and enthusiasm and not get overwhelmed by it all. Thank you so much for having such a positive impact on my life which has had a domino effect right on into my family, friends and work environment!"

David King
Business Owner - King Fitness, Athlone, Ireland

"I have been reading around energy, health & sales (just to mention a few subjects) for the past 2 years so it was great to see how you pulled it all together to produce results when I attended your workshop. Your energy is remarkable and your intuition is a real gift. Keep it up and thank you very much!"

Ed O' Donoghue
Sales Manager, Electricity Exchange, Limerick, Ireland

"My business is to help close contracts internationally over the phone which can be pretty daunting. Before I meet Declan I was struggling. Sales were trickling in but not enough for me to survive. A few sessions with Declan and Boooom! I closed my biggest deal which earned me over $5,000 in commissions. Simple steps which he taught me made all the difference and now closing contracts is so much easier and more enjoyable! It's all to do with your energy & connection plus other golding nuggets he shared with me."

Andres Ospina
International Sales, Cork, Ireland

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