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Get to know Declan...

At the age of 21, told he would properly never again walk, talk or get the use of the right side of his face back due to a serious brain injury, Declan embarked on a path of personal discovery to find his own way, and keep a promise to himself, to help as many people as he can once he recovered.

The Story so far...

  • Husband

  • Brother

  • Uncle  

  • Entrepreneur 
  • Inspirational Global Speaker
  • Life & Business Coach (LBCAI)
  • Master Mind Facilitator
  • Creator of The Dore Diary
  • Founder of the Dore Healthy Lifestyle Training Centre
  • High Ticket Online Sales Mentor 

Finding The Right Path

Declan's path involved many entrepreneurial ventures where his communication skills brought great success, to himself and the people he worked with and trained.

Creating programmes, workbooks & diaries for health & productivity that continue to sell on Amazon today, Declan realised his power to help people to achieve higher performance, and set about sharing his expertise to help people achieve their best.

Having stepped away from high paying roles, Declan went on to learn as much as possible about health, wealth & connecting with oneself & others. This brought him to some of the healthiest places in the world, most memorable being Okinawa, Japan. He was also mentored by some of the best minds in the personal development space like Bob Proctor & Michael Beckwith from the Secret just to name a few.    


These three core areas are what Declan loves to empower & educate people on.

It is this ethos that inspired Declan in 2014 to establish the Dore Healthy Lifestyle Training Centre in Limerick Ireland, and to help individuals to achieve their best through coaching, training, workshops and live speaking events.


2020 Lockdown & Fear

With the unexpected events of 2020 and the world going into lockdown, Declan was inundated with calls from those close to him and clients from around the world as FEAR kicked in.

It was here where Declan started looking into ways to help people as so many had lost their jobs or businesses. Reaching out to those he trusts within his network he found something that fully aligns with his beliefs and values and went to work coaching and mentoring people in high ticket online sales.

This however is so much more than sales, it's a community of likeminded people who truly want to make a difference in the three key areas of life. Health, Wealth & Connection.

This is WHY Declan has fully committed to helping and developing this business & now works with tens of thousands of people in this space. He loves how this is creating so much freedom & flexibility for those who work with him to live life on their terms which means they can focus on their health & connection as the wealth comes.  

To learn more about this you can Click Here to see exactly what it is Declan is doing in this line of his work. 


Why do people find Declan's presence inspiring?

It is inspiring to learn how through self-belief and persistence in the face of adversity and discouragement, Declan kept his focus on one of the key life lessons, which he received from his father, Joseph Dore (himself a hard-working entrepreneurial builder from Limerick, Ireland), that nothing is impossible when one's mind is put to it.

The fascinating part of this side of Declan's story is when he speaks about his Dad, he always says his Dad never once actually said this to him. It was in his Dad's actions that thought 'little Declan' no matter how bad a situation, there is Always a way around the problem. Never to focus on the problem, accept its there and then put your energy into the solution.

This is a lesson and attitude that Declan consciously applied to everything and he truly believes this is what saved his life and helped him to recover from his brain injury. 

Declan shows that it is possible to turn around life situations, and achieve massive goals. His enthusiasm for life, and passion for self-development, are infectious and Declan brings a great positive energy to the people he meets.

From Trauma To Triumph Interview

Have you or anyone you know ever been through a trauma? In this short video, presenter John Prendergast from "What Matters" interviews Declan Dore on his journey from trauma to triumph.


Limerick's Live 95FM Radio Interview

Click Below To Listen

"Whatever it is for you, just remember...

It is possible."

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