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What Is Your Desired Outcome?

It is known that there are frameworks to help us to achieve almost anything within reason. Applying awareness of the mind through expert coaching, I help individuals identify areas of possible improvement and to raise the effectiveness of their performance.

How Can I Help?

I like to inspire and motivate my clients by challenging and empowering them to achieve peak performance, teamwork, financial goals and personal satisfaction, by prioritising and acting in harmony with what matters most.

What kind of results can clients expect to gain:

  • How to identify and deal with energy vampires and time suckers
  • Learn how to deal with and overcome stressful situations and people
  • Learn tools and techniques on how to generate more energy
  • Learn how to maximise your time more effectively
  • Frameworks to help you both personally and professionally
  • ImprovedĀ productivity, management and delegation skills
  • Increased self-awareness, self-confidence and assertiveness
  • Better communication skills, meaning excellent ability to connect with fellow team members as well as clients or customers

Why work with me?

I am deeply committed to helping my clients reach new levels of success and personal mastery.

My unique approach to coaching, fuelled by my own story of recovery from a serious brain injury and transforming my life, inspires people to believe in their own power to progress and to achieve higher levels of success and satisfaction from their work and life.

"Since I started following Declan and attended his Zoom coaching calls I have increased my business targets which has been a blessing in my life as I was struggling. I have also noticed my thoughts seem less cluttered. I'm beginning to feel better about my ability to achieve my dreams & goals & things just seem to flow to me much easier now. Thank you so much Declan for helping me to believe in myself and my abilities!"

Jada Kelly
Self Employed, Kentucky, USA

"I attended a workshop which Declan was running in his training centre and since then both my life and business has dramatically improved. Everything has improved, from productivity, where I was feeling overwhelmed most of the time, to feeling much more in control now and improving sales in my business. He shared with me simple tools I was able to implement straight away which produced results for me instantly! I highly recommend Declan to anyone looking for help or guidance in either their life or business."

Jennifer Mulqueen
Entrepreneur, Limerick, Ireland

"You can learn so much about yourself from a master. Declan has helped me so much with the three major areas of my life - Healthy Body, Mind and Finances. I never thought one to one coaching was for me and for some reason I took a shot at Declan's coaching package and I am so happy I done so. If you are sitting on the fence it is so worth it to have an accountability partner who can push you in the right direction and talk to you straight without sugar coating this situation."

Ron E West
Entrepreneur, Southampton, UK

CoachingĀ Options

My coaching programmes are designed for periods of 3-12 months depending on the objectives to be met.

The available coaching programmes below outline which might be the best fit for you. All that is required for your next step then is to fill out a questionnaire to get in touch for a complimentary 30 minute strategy session to assess the best possible options to support you in achieving your goals and targets.

3-Month Coaching Plan

Identify and approach your goals with the confidence that comes from having an accountability partner that knows what it takes to help you succeed.

This programme includes weekly coaching sessions and email access to support your growth and keep you on track to meet your goals.

Flexible payment plans available.

6-Month Programme

Specific focus on identifying and achieving your personal or professional goals over the next six months which can set you up for your next promotion, business opportunity or get your personal life back on track. 

This programme includes weekly coaching sessions and email access to support your growth and keep you on track to meet your goals and targets.

Flexible payment plans available.

12-Month Transformation

Take your life to the next level with this one year programme to support you in achieving massive goals and raising yourself to a new level of performance in your personal or professional life.

There is so much in this option! It will be 100% tailored to your circumstances where we will go through this one to one.

Flexible payment plans available.

What Else DoĀ You Need to Know?

All of the aboveĀ coaching programmes can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Once you have filled in the questionnaire I will be in touch to organise a complimentary 15 minute strategy session to determine if the fit is good and which option might be best to meet your goals and targets.

Fill in the Questionnaire

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